Manufacturers of playgrounds, urban equipment and sports equipment | MEIN
Manufacturers of playgrounds, urban equipment and sports equipment | MEIN


MEIN began its activity in 1963 manufacturing items for playgrounds, sports equipment and street furniture. In the creation of children's games it is currently the oldest company in the sector, which is why it is so recognized.

Images of historical children's games from the MEIN Company.

In 1994 MEIN was the first company in Spain to have children's games certified by the new regulations in public areas UNE-EN-1176. With the range of games called MEGAKIT. Among other urban and sports furniture products that MEIN manufactured.
During 2019, a new line of products for doing gymnastics on public roads was launched on the market: calisthenics parks. Currently MEIN is a manufacturer of calisthenics/street workout equipment certified with the UNE-EN-16630 standard. MEIN has specialized in:
  • Design of calisthenics areas
  • Manufacture of calisthenics items
  • Installation of calisthenics areas
  • Inaugurations and competitions in MEIN calisthenics areas